About country


Cyprus (in Greek Kypros Κυπρος; in Turkish Kıbrıs), long name The Republic of Cyprus, is the country on the island of Cyprus in The Mediterranean Sea, 113 km south from Turkey.
Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea after Sicily and Sardinia. It is situated in its north-eastern part.


The area of the island is 9.251 km². From the total area of the island 3 355 km² belongs to the Turkish Republic Northern Cyprus, 5 896 km² belongs to the south part and remaining 3 % are territory of the British Sovereign Base Areas (BSBA).
It is located approximately 75 km southwards from  Turkey, 90 km from the coast of Syria and Lebanon, 380 km from the Greek island Rhodes and 483 km northerly from Egypt and Israel.
Cyprus was long time a crossroad between  Europe, Asia and Africa and still has many traces of consecutive civilizations – Roman theatres and villas, Byzantine churches and monasteries, Crusader castles and historic homes.
Since Turkish occupation of the northern part of the island in 1974 the Cypriot and Turkish communities have been separated by so called Green Line. Cyprus is known as the island of Goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite, which was born here according to a legend.


Basic information

Member of EU: 2004
Political system: republic
Political division: Cyprus is since 1974 divided into the north part – The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (recognised only by Turkey) and the south part – The Republic of Cyprus (internationally recognised, the member of EU)
The head of country – President: Dimitris Christofias
Capital: Nicosia
Area: 9 250 km2
Population: 0,8 million
Currency: euro
Official language: Greek, Turkish
Time zone: (UTC+2), summer (UTC+3)
International code: CYP / CY
Dialling code: +357
The number of sunny days per year: 340

Territorial division:
Cyprus is divided into six districts. (Greek and Turkish equivalent is stated in a bracket).
• Famagusta (Αμμόχωστος/Am¬mochostos – Gazimağusa)
• Kyrenia (Κερύvεια/Keryneia – Girne)
• Larnaka (Λάρνακα/Larnaka – Larnaka)
• Limassol (Λεμεσός/Lemesos – Limasol/Leymosun)
• Nikosia (Λευκωσία/Lefkosia – Lefkoşa)
• Pafos (Πάφος/Pafos – Baf)


Cyprus is in a subtropical climate zone. The weather is characterized by high summer temperatures from  May to October. Summer temperatures climb from July to August over 40 ºC and such temperatures sometimes persist for several weeks. Rainfall is rare, mainly in the winter season (November-March).



The majority of the population of Cyprus (96%) are Cypriot Greeks (78%) and Turks (18%). Although the Cypriot Greeks and Cypriot Turks have much in common, they are of a different identity based on religion, language and are closely tied to their home country. Greek is spoken mainly in the south, where the major community is Cypriot Greek. Turkish language prevails in the north where  population of Turkish origin dominates. Widely used language on the island is English.


1. road transport

Cyprus has built modern road network. Road network in the south part of the island consists of approximately 7 206 km paved and 4 387 km unpaved roads. In the northern part the road network was in total 2 350 km.
Road network is in a good condition, there are highways without fees.People drive on the left in Cyprus, like in Great Britain.Possibilities of travelling on Cyprus are: buses, taxis or rented cars.
The best way how to get to a certain place is to rent a car at the airport or in the place of your stay.The only condition is to be older than 21 and have practice in driving more than 3 years. Renting a motorcycle is very popular nowadays because of its low renting price.

2. air transport

Cyprus has two international airports - in Larnaka and in Pafos. The main airlines are Cyprus Airways and for passenger transport company Eurocypria and others. Turkish part has an airport in Ercan where only Turkish planes are allowed to land and regular charter flights of Turkish and Cyprus Airlines KTHY. Air connection with Bratislava is only during the season by means of charter flights (May – October). Besides it you can use regular connection from Prague, Vienna and Budapest. Entering the EU, Cyprus is gradually becoming »bridge« between Europe and the Middle East.


3. water transport

Cyprus has a specific position in merchant shipping worldwide. At present it is on the 6th place in the world with 2000 registered trade ships. The ports are important in the region for passenger transport and also for the transport of the goods. The biggest port in Limassol is also one of the largest ports in the Mediterranean, which together with the ports in Larnaca in the city of Vassilikos and four oil terminals in Larnaca, Dekelei, Moni and Vasiliko forms the modern national system of ports. In the Turkish part the most important ports are Famagusta, Kyrenia, Karavostassi and Xerose with which Cyprus does not realize any activities.


Economy and employment

Cyprus is considered to be one of the fastest growing markets within Europe, it is characterized as modern economy with dynamic services, industry and agriculture, developed infrastructure. The Greek Cypriot economy is prosperous and greatly benefiting from EU membership since 2004. The property market has experienced strong and sustainable growth for investment purposes. Cyprus is well-known as a holiday destination and centre of services.Two thirds of inhabitants work in services and this branch needs qualified and non-qualified seasonal workers.


Safety and health

Cyprus has a high standard in the providing of health care. It has enough national and private health care facilities, hospitals, private clinics and health centres are equipped with the most modern medical instrumentation. Doctors and dentists, specialists are available anywhere. Each provided health care must be paid for and the fees are comparable with other European countries – 20 Euros for treatment. Low-cost international private health insurance is also available for foreigners living in Cyprus.
Mandatory is health insurance, it is good to take out an insurance in Slovakia and we recommend to take with you the Slovak health insurance card. It is necessary to have the European health insurance card. It is recommended to arrange a commercial insurance. Health insurance covers medical care and treatment and transporting injured to Slovakia in the case of acute injuries and illnesses. Staying in  Cyprus is generally safe even at night, street crime is low, crimes against tourists are rare. The most visits in Cyprus are without any problems, confrontation of police and tourists are exceptional but extremely strict is proceeding against the possession of drugs. Cypriot authorities strictly prosecute the production, distribution, importation and possession of drugs (the treat of imprisonment is for up to 8 years or fine or both penalties at the same time and offender is becoming unwanted person for next visits to Cyprus).


Visas and necessary documents

The citizens of EU/EHP countries have the right to enter the territory of Cyprus with a valid passport or ID card without any restrictions. /valid Slovak passport with minimum of three months validity from the date of entry into the territory of Cyprus/. Confirmation of the vaccination is not necessary. Slovak citizen may stay in Cyprus as a tourist (not for the gainful activity) without registration at the Migration Office for a period of 90 days.


Tax heaven

Cyprus has the lowest value added tax which is from 0 % to 15 %. 0 % VAT is on food, baby clothes and shoes, books, magazines, newspaper, flight tickets, medical stuff, 10 % - 13 % VAT on alcohol.



Cypriot cuisine is the same as Greek cuisine. Traditional cheese Chaloumi is produced here. Traditional meals are mostly prepared from lamb (souvlaki, gyros), fish and salads (choriatiki). The sauce tsatsiki is called talatouri here. Cypriot pies like baklavas, loukoumia a koubes are also famous. Local wine which has a long tradition is of a high quality.


Cyprus and mythology

Mythology is connected with Cyprus very close. It is said that fabled Aphrodite Goddess of beauty, love and passion was born here. Legendary scene of Aphrodite´s birth of sea foam is at Petra tou Romi (Aphrodite´s rocks). These are large rocks in the sea near the coastal cliffs near Pafos. Through the ancient history was Cyprus prosperous centre of cultism of Aphrodite. You can enjoy white sandy beaches seamed by a beautiful sea. Between northern and southern part there is so called Green Line. It is the area which belongs to two different countries and it is a neutral zone.


Places of interest

Cyprus is an ideal holiday destination for travellers and tourists who like their comfort. Services are at a good level and you can speak English, Russian or German here. Delicious meals, traditional Cypriot wine, charming nature and pleasant warm weather make Cyprus an ideal place for holidays. The island offers a lot of activities for relax. Cyprus is also called „The Island of Lovers“. A lot of couples in love from all over the world come here to get married  or for honeymoon.
You can find romantic small villages in the middle of mystic mountains or restaurants,bars and clubs on the beach. You can spend time by exploring the ancient history of Cyprus in archaeologic fields. Stunning colourful mosaic will show you the ancient way of life. Being an island with such a varied and interesting history, there are many, many places to explore and delve into the past. There is wealth of archaeological sites, museums, castles, monasteries and old Cypriot churches, all are worth seeing. It is an island of diversity where potatoes are grown in the rich, fertile soil of the east and yet bananas are abundant on  many plantations in the west. Throughout Cyprus, the typically Mediterranean landscape is still blessed with the timeless beauty of antiquity. There are crusader fortresses framed by tall cypress trees, Greek-Roman theatres carved out of cliffs and Byzantine monasteries perched on mountaintops.
Beaches are one of the most worthwhile assets in the country. Some of the valued and recognized Cypriot beaches are Alagadi (very sandy beach), Diana (has a synthetic sandy beach), Escape (offers a numerous outdoors discos and variety of water sports), Fig Tree Bay (located in Protaras District), Governor's (sited between Larnaca and Limassol and the beach has a white rocks area), Nissi (sited in Nissi Bay and it offers cafes, pubs and wonderful views), Protaras (has different kinds of water sports for travellers to enjoy), and Ladies' Mile (features very calm and clear water).
Some of the national parks in the country are Troodos (located in south-east area of the island), Athalassa (sited near Lefkosia and offers several recreational facilities), Paedagogical Academy (located near Lefkosia), Rizoelia (sited near the town of Larnaka ), and Pegeia and Meleti Forests (national forest parks located in the Pafos area).
Other places that travellers may visit: Byzantine Museum (located in Nicosia region and has an art gallery which displays the oil paintings, lithographs, maps and also the largest collection of icons), Troodos Mountains (situated in Limassol and offer breathtaking scenery, bird watching and rich plant life), and St John's Cathedral (sited in Nicosia; built by Archbishop Nikiforos in 1662) .