Welcome on the website
of real estate company EURESK Ltd.

Real estate company EURESK LtD. provides services in the field of purchasing, selling and rent of all types of properties.


Do you consider purchasing, selling or renting of properties in Slovakia or Cyprus? You are on the right address. The real estate company EURESK LtD. will find you a property according to your wishes, provides you with professional consultancy, complete law and administration services and all services connected with purchasing, selling and renting of properties.

ID no.: 1445
Type: 3-bedrooms apartment
City: Neapolis
Price: 360.000 €

ID no.: 1299
Type: 1 room apartment
City: Kapparis
Price: 100.000 €

ID no.: 1327
Type: 3-bedrooms apartment
City: Tombs of the kings
Price: 115.000 €